About us

TES was established in the year 1991 by Dr. Naira Taymour.
The mission of the school is to provide myriad opportunities to each child. The school believes that each child is unique and special and is blessed with immense potential. The endeavor is to guide each child as he/she charters a route to happiness and excellence. The school makes a concerted effort to ensure that as the students set out on this exciting voyage of discovery, they enjoy every moment of their innocence and appreciate the power of inner strength.
The school’s andriol motto LOVE ONE ANOTHER is the cornerstone around which the character and personality of every child is molded. The school visualizes an educational system based on instilling ethical values, pursuit of excellence in all things and service to humanity. Thus, as the students step out of the sacrosanct precincts of their alma mater, they are armed with faith in themselves, belief in goodness and righteousness, fortitude to face the buffeting winds of change and a desire to serve humanity.
The TES is its steadfast belief that self discipline, hard work and integrity are the quintessential qualities in an individual. We do believe that our students will be harbingers of change in this angst ridden world. In some way, albeit a small way, they will influence or lead people with their grace, dignity, valiance and magnanimity.
The teachers lead the students to the portals of knowledge. A great deal of stress is laid on academic excellence. Our students get admission in the premier colleges and Universities of Egypt as well in International Universities of repute.
The school plans and organizes a host of co-curricular activities to enable each child to discover and hone his/her talent. Achievements in these activities enable the students to enhance their self esteem, harness their unbridled energy, experience the indescribable joy of achievement, and provides them avenues to be creative and innovative. The process of training and tutoring the students, the practice sessions, rehearsals etc. help them to imbibe the relevance of hard work, persistence, precision and perfection.